Superdrug: Dead Sea Mud Mask

After a recent trip to Superdrug I had picked up one of their own brand face masks, this one specifically being the Dead Sea Mud Mask. I was really excited to try this product as the description said that it's for unclogging pores, drawing out dirt, oil and impurities and is to leave the skin feeling soft and revitalised. For me, it was a perfect product and I couldn't wait to try it!

Now, I applied the mask as it said and took it off after 13 minutes by rinsing with warm soapy water. As I looked in the mirror afterwards and was absolutely horrified, my skin was red raw and becoming and itchy mess! Honestly, I was at a loss of what to do, I ended up taking an antihistamine, applying a cold flannel to my face and hoping for the best! 

It took around two hours for my face to return to a somewhat normal colour and even now 24 hours later my skin is still feeling slightly irritable.

I didn't want to make this a bad post but I think after trying many other face masks this one is definitely going straight in the bin, sometimes paying that little bit more for the quality goes a long way! I really hope that this doesn't happen to anyone else, but do let me know in the comments if you have ever experienced anything similar to this!

Thanks for reading,

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