Friday Feeling

Good morning everyone!

Hallelujah it’s finally Friday to say it’s been a long short week would be an understatement. Despite that we’ve only had a 4 day week due to the UK having a Bank Holiday on Monday it’s definitely been a horrendous week to say the least.
I’ve been thinking a lot this week and it’s pretty much occurred to me that I am definitely in the wrong job. As much as I love working with children on the admin side, there’s nothing more I hate than coming into work and having to work with the most ignorant, selfish and rude people I have ever met. It could be that I’m working in a team of women or any other excuse that could be put forward, but at the end of the day I’m just not enjoying myself anymore. To me it seems a chore to have to get up in the morning and put myself through a day of work where I'm not happy and it shouldn’t have to be like that. It may have taken me 9 months to realise this but I’m actually beginning to feel better about the situation because I can now look around for something I’m going to enjoy more and that may get me on the career path I’ve  been wanting since I was 17.

I turn 20 in just under 6 weeks’ time and before I know it I’ll be 25, in a dead end jobecause I never got the courage to take it upon myself to change this situation. I think knowing that I can change this and having the drive to change this is going to make my life a heck of a lot easier for me; also hopefully more enjoyable as well!

I’m very much aware that getting a new job isn’t going to be easily, let alone the job I actually want, because as we all know jobs are hard to come by nowadays. But it’s the start I guess; the start of actually making my life move in the right direction.

I just want you all to know that if you’re having a terrible time at work and things just aren’t working out anymore -  get your head in the game and find something that you will enjoy rather than being  unhappy for the next however many years at a job that does not appeal to you. You got this!

Let me know in the comments what you all do as your daily jobs, I’d love to know!


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